6 Steps to Stand Up for What You Believe In Effectively


September 7, 2022


Milan Kordestani

Entrepreneur, writer, and founder of 3 purpose-driven companies oriented toward giving individuals control over their own discourse and creation. Milan works to produce socially positive externalities through a mindset of social architecture.

Milan Kordestani

September 7, 2022

Originally published on

Standing up for what you believe in are important for the foundation of your personality. Firmly rooted in your ancestry, upbringing, and life experiences, they shape your narrative and define your life’s key moments. Your beliefs work behind the scenes to guide your everyday actions. Not only do your beliefs shape who you are, they also provide a moral compass for your life. To stand up for what you believe in, you must first determine what values and principles you abide by. Only then can you articulate those beliefs with passion and conviction.

​​Benefits: Speak Up for What You Believe In

Expressing and standing up for what you believe in is the key to living authentically and in alignment with your values. Taking a step to stand up for what you believe in will help you deal with life challenges in a level-headed manner. Here are some reasons you should work on speaking up for your own beliefs:

  • Preventing identity loss. Your individuality separates you from the crowd.

  Defending your beliefs establishes your identity and guards your voice against getting lost in the crowd.

  • Building respect. Sticking up for your beliefs builds self-respect. Going against your values just because it's more convenient is less than admirable.

   Standing your ground shows that you aren't a pushover and can voice your opinions.

  • Gaining confidence. Standing up for what you believe in is not easy at first. You may doubt yourself, be hesitant and feel awkward.

   But each time you do it, you’ll get better at it and gain more confidence. So step out of your comfort zone and speak up whenever you can!

  • Bringing about change. Expressing your values makes an impact in society.

  It helps bring attention to issues that may have been overlooked and can affect the lives of people who share your belief system.

Tactics: How to Stand Up For What You Believe In?

When someone disrespects your beliefs or pressures you into changing them, it’s important to speak up. I’m not advocating for responding to fire with fire but rather being firm in what you believe and standing up for your rights. It might be difficult at first and you might offend people close to you, but it’s essential for protecting your self-esteem.

Here are six steps you can use to stand up for what you believe in:

  • Know your audience: Before standing up for what you believe in and your ideologies, know who you’re talking to.

Are you speaking to a friend, a family member, or a stranger? Each audience requires a different approach.

  • Select your words carefully: Your word choice is crucial when defending your beliefs. Make a clear stand and maintain a respectful demeanor.

Refrain from using inflammatory language that might come across as argumentative. 

  • Be prepared for pushback: Not everyone will resonate with your beliefs, and that’s fine. When people challenge you back, be ready to explain why you hold those beliefs. Have supporting evidence, statistics, or examples ready.
  • Make room for different perspectives: While it’s important to voice your values, making space for other views is also vital.

Turn the discussion into a civil discourse where everyone can safely express their beliefs. You don’t have to agree with everything they say, but you must respect their right to hold those beliefs.

  • Address self-doubt: Rejection is inevitable in life, but it can lead to self-doubt and a lack of confidence.

If you’re able to acknowledge that failure is a natural part of the process to success and know that you’re worth more than a rejection, you can move forward with your beliefs intact.

  • Practice detachment: When you stand up for what you believe in, you are making your opinion known and letting others know where you stand.

Detachment isn't a call to avoid conflict; it's the acceptance that sometimes people will disregard your beliefs even though they know where you stand.

Negotiating Better and Integrating Beliefs In Your Life 

Seeking out perspectives that oppose your own helps you break out of your echo chamber. Civil discourse is a fantastic tool for negotiating with people holding onto different beliefs, listening to each other's stances, and showing respect for opposing views.

Civil discourse is about active listening to understand, rather than pretending to be polite. It enables you to amplify your beliefs and question the preconceived notions that help you evolve as a human. It provides a learning space for everyone.

When you stand up for what you believe in and break out of your comfort zone, you will build respect for yourself, gain self-confidence and discover who you really are. It may not be easy at first but it’s really quite simple to do. Start by finding out what your beliefs are and let go of your fears, quit doubting yourself and keep practicing. Civil discourse is essential to foster a healthy discussion.